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Efficient Environmental and Structural Response Analysis by Clustering of Directional Wave Spectra, Vogel, Hanson, Fan, Forristall, Li, Fratantonio and Jonathan. Offshore Technology Conference Paper OTC-27039-MS, May 2016.


Development of a Coastal Wave Energy Climatology, Hanson and Hathaway. 14TH International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting, November 2015.


Wave Observations and Forecast Modeling to Support Development of Virginia Offshore Wind Energy, Hanson, Project report to Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy, 2014


Coastal Storm Surge Analysis: Storm Surge Results, Hanson, et al., Project report to US Federal Emergency Management Agency,  2013.


Coastal Storm Surge Analysis: Modeling System Validation, Hanson et. al., 2013., Project report to US Federal Emergency Management Agency,  2013.


Development of an Extratropical Storm Wind, Wave and Water Level Climatology for the Offshore Mid-Atlantic, Forte and Hanson, Project Report to the US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), 2013.


Wave Measurements for the Monitas System, Hanson, Lubben, Aalberts and Kaminski, Offshore Technology Conference Paper OTC 20869, May 2010.


Extraction of Coastal Wavefield Properties from X-Band RADAR, Hessner, K. and J.L. Hanson, IGARSS Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, July 2010.


Pacific Hindcast Performance of Three Numerical Wave Models, Hanson, Tolman, Tracy and Scott, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 26, 1614-1633, 2009.


Wind sea & swell delineation for numerical wave modeling, Tracy, Proceedings, 10th International workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting, 2007.


Sorting Out Waves with a Fast Sort Algorithm, Tracy, Tracy and Hanson, ERDC MSRC Resource 2006.


Pacific Hindcast Performance Evaluation of Three Numerical Wave Models, Hanson et. al., Proceedings, 9th International workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting, 2006.


Estimating Wind-Sea and Swell for FPSO Operability, Ewans, Vanderschuren and Tromans, Transactions of the ASME, 128, 2006.


Wave System Diagnostics for Numerical Wave Models, Hanson and Jensen, Proceedings, 8th International workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting, 2005.


Extracting wind sea and swell from directional wave spectra derived from a bottom-mounted ADCP, Churchill, Plueddemann and Faluotico, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution report WHOI-2006-13, July 2003.


Catching a wave, Innovations, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Office of Technology Transfer, Spring 2003


Automated analysis of ocean surface directional wave spectra , Hanson and Phillips, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 18, 277-293, 2001.


Wind sea growth and dissipation in the open ocean, Hanson and Phillips, J. Phys. Oceanog., 29, 1633-1648, 1999.


Hanson, J.L., Winds, waves, and bubbles at the air-sea boundary, JHU APL Tech. Digest, 14(3), 200-208, 1993.

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