Basic ocean wavefield analysis package
Wavector is for scientists, engineers, technicians and students. Directly import wind and wave data from sensors, numerical models and internet archives. Visualize and export sea and swell time series, spectra and metocean parameters. Wavector provides a cost-effective solution for your wave analysis and visualization requirements. Delivered as a stand-alone interactive desktop application, Wavector is ready to work for you!
Wave buoy, sonar and model data analyses
Custom data reports
Detailed site assessments
Sea and swell tracking
Metocean parameter generation
Wave climate studies
Convenient user interface to all features
Versatile data exploration and editing
Industry accepted sea and swell analyses
Easily export data, plots and tables
Fully documented user’s guide
Supported on Windows® platforms
Load wind and wave data from a variety of sources:
Sensors - Datawell, Axys, Nortek, Wavescan WaMoS, RTI, SeaWave, Falmouth, etc...
Archives - NCEI, NDBC, CDIP, -
Data editing, interpolation and smoothing
Sea and swell partitioning
Metocean parameter export (CSV, EXCEL, Matlab)
Extensive plot library